
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)


At Furze we wish for all our  PHSE curriculum to offer pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to manage their lives, now and in the future. Delivering a broad and balanced life-skills PSHE curriculum, through our three strands of Relationships Education, Health Education and Living in the Wider World , is essential for us in helping our children to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most out of school, work and life. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of our school ethos- "Learning happily together"- Values include, Positive choices; Respect; Co-operation; Gratitude; Resilience and Honesty.

Through quality delivery, our PSHE programme aims to develop:

  • confident individuals who know and understand how to live safe, happy, healthy, fulfilling lives;
  •  young people who are able to maintain positive, respectful and healthy relationships,
    within which they can thrive personally and socially;
  •  responsible citizens who understand they have rights and responsibilities that help
    them make a positive contribution to society; and
  •  successful learners who enjoy overall learning, making progress and achieving success


At Furze Infant we use the PHSE Association approved PHSE Programme - 1 Decision. Our PSHE programme of learning as well as opportunities derived from our wider curriculum will enable children to meet the End of Key Stage Statements as set out in the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Guidance 2019.

1decision provides a range of  modules used by all of our KS1 pupils. This builds on the EYFS curriculum which incorporates the personal, social, emotional development of learning and development. The core of the programme is a series of documentaries and videos with alternative endings, which enable children to explore various topics in a safe, educational environment. 

There are also opportunities to link British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) responsibilities. At Furze Infants there are many links with our creative curriculum and other subjects, for example  PE (leading healthy active lives) and  Computing (E-safety). All our curriculum overview maps have links to safeguarding aspects.

The 1 Decision Scheme and our wider curriculum on offer is complemented by other key events throughout the year such as our Anti-bullying Week; Mental Health and Well-being, PANTs; NSPCC; Remembrance Day; People who help us (including Dentists and Nurses). Click here on SMSC for further information.