Music has a power of forming the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young. (Aristotle)
At Furze Infants’ School we wish to instill a life-long love of music. We want music to be an enjoyable learning experience. The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils: perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians. We believe in The Power of Music as elaborated in ,The 2021 Model Music Curriculum (MMC) and at Furze there are daily and weekly opportunities for children to take part and appreciate a variety of musical experiences. “Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world” We want our children to build their music cultural capital and understand how this can contribute to their own well-being as well as those in our community- both school and home.
At Furze we use Charanga Music Programme, which is closely linked to the national curriculum. All children in KS1 receive 30-45min of music instruction. Children learn all the elements of music, theoretically and practically. Through singing songs, our children learn about the structure of music and how it is organised. The children listen to and appreciate a wide range and different forms of music. The children learn technical vocabulary such as pulse, beat, rhythm, pitch and volume. With our rich source of music children will use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes linked in with English. The children sing songs during assemblies and during our religious festivals and other school events. We also have after- school choir club run every Wednesday.
On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.
We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.
Mr. G. Wilder OBE
Executive Consultant
A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors