We are a listening school
A whole-school approach means listening to the voices of everyone in the school community, including children.
Pupil voice in schools means a whole-school commitment to listening to the views, wishes and experiences of all children. We wish to value our children's experiences by giving them opportunities to share their views about school and the outside world.
We want all pupils need to know that it is safe and that it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school.
There are many ways in which we are able to do this at Furze:
On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.
We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.
Mr. G. Wilder OBE
Executive Consultant
A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors