Attendance Target is 97%!                   Missing School = Missing Out 



At Furze Infant School we believe it is vital that each pupil attends school every day and on time to gain the greatest benefit from their education.

Regular attendance at school is the most important factor in a child reaching their full potential. Any absence including lateness affects the pattern of a child's schooling and regular absence will seriously affect his or her learning. Each child is expected to be in school 100% which is 190 days in the year with no term time holidays. The governments minimum acceptable attendance target for a child is 96.2%, a child who attends 90% means they have missed 4 weeks of their education in one year! 

As a parent you are expected to;

  • Ensure your child  attends school everyday
  • Contact school on the first day of absence
  • Make all appointments outside of school time
  • Not take children on visits/shopping trips during school time
  • Never take leave of absence (term time holidays). All holidays will be unauthorised and penalty notices will be issued
  • Bring your child to school on time (8:45am) each day


As a school we will;

  • Monitor attendance regularly
  • Monitor pupils arriving late
  • Contact parents when a pupil fails to attend school without a good reason
  • Contact parents when there is a pattern of absences or an excessive number of absences
  • Refer the matter to the schools Education Welfare Officer if attendance is a concern
  • Celebrate good attendance
  • Reward good or improved attendance through class competitions and certificates
  • Work with parents so that together we can work on raising attendance across the school 
  • The attendance below is updated every half term


Attendance from 8th January 2024 to 16th February 2024



Class Austria AM


Class Austria PM


Class China


Class Egypt


Class England


Class Greece


Class Italy


Class Japan


Class Kenya


Class Maldives


Class Malta


Class Morocco


Class Philippines


Class Seychelles


Class Singapore


Class South Africa


Class Sweden


Totals for whole school




10 Tips for Parents to help ensure their child attends school regularly;

  1. Help your child to get their book bag ready the night before school
  2. Make sure their uniform is ready for the following day
  3. Make sure your child goes to bed at a reasonable time
  4. Set the alarm clock early enough to allow plenty of time to get ready
  5. Make sure your child has some breakfast
  6. Leave for school with plenty of time to spare so your child is not late
  7. Check to make sure they have everything they need - book bag, drinks bottle etc
  8. If your child is having any problems with their work, speak to the class teacher 
  9. Talk to your child about what they do at school each day
  10. If your child is unhappy at school contact the school straight away



Attendance Celebrated at Furze with:

  • Weekly highest class attendance trophy and certificate with stickers for the entire class.
  • Class with the highest attendance goes onto the special Top Lunch Time Table served by members from the senior leadership team. Children get to select the music they would like to listen to with specially laid out decorative tables.
  • Pupils with 100% termly attendance receive a certificate and badge
  • Lucky Cash Prize Draw termly- pupil receives a cash prize for 100% attendance.



Hard Federation

 On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.

We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.

Mr. G. Wilder OBE

Executive Consultant

A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors